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  • Writer's pictureChrissie Mowbray

Wounds and Scars


You are solely responsible for your own wellbeing. Your one job in this lifetime is to get your indomitable spirit through from beginning to end – having experienced all there is for you, healed all your wounds and learned all your lessons – Resilient Practice

What is the difference between a wound and a scar?

A scar is healed. It marks a place where I learned something important. It is proof that I can mend. And I can survive.

Scar tissue is different from the original material. It has been changed by experience. It is a place where we have sacrificed an old way of being and fashioned something new. A way to go on, protected still, but tougher than before. When the new skin has been worn in, our scars do not cause us pain. Remembering what created them does not take us back there. They carry a different feeling. A feeling of having triumphed through hardship. Of endings and beginnings.

A wound is a place of vulnerability. It is evidence that we have felt pain and loss, but it remains exposed and visible to predators. It is open to the elements. A wound can take in poison. Without the process of healing, further harm can come to it. Neglecting to tend to a wound can place us in danger of further attack. When a wound is poked we are transported back into trauma.

In April 2023 we wrote about understanding what it is to be ‘triggered.’ Responding to a trigger is often an unconscious choice where it becomes easier to blame trigger than to take responsibility. This leaves us powerless to do anything but become triggered. We shared a tool to make responding to a trigger a conscious choice. We suggested that readers approach the discovery of a trigger with curiosity and gratitude. Learning such vital information about the Self is a gift!

When we respond to a trigger, we are being given a direct message that there is work to do. We are being shown that there is a wound to heal. When this information is revealed to us it is possible to accept the invitation to do that work. There are countless ways to apply balm to a wound, many of which are shared on this website. These may involve therapy, meditation, mindfulness exercises, soul retrieval, talking things through with a friend, journaling or affirmation. There are too many to share all but below is a selection of articles to explore, most of which have practical tool to try – we suggest though that you explore the website to find the ones that resonate with you:

When we no longer respond to our triggers with that unpleasant squirt of body chemistry associated with negative emotion, we know that we have healed. The wound that we sustained has become a scar and now exists as a evidence of our struggle and subsequent mastery.

And speaking of your scars – know this:

The brightest full harvest moon that shone down on us this week was made most beautiful by all of her scars. They give her the face of compassion. Like her, whatever happens to you, you go on shining. Your indomitable spirit lives on, beyond and through.

As Dr Clarissa Pinkola Estes says ‘saplings are beautiful but untested.’

It is our scars that show us that we have lived and survived.

They make us who we are.

Try this:

Speak the following meditation into your phone and find a quit place to listen:

Sit quietly and take your awareness to your breathing

Allow your breath to slow and deepen

Settle into your deep resounding rhythms

The moon over the water

Draws the waves over the sand

And they roll back again

In perfect time

Just like the breath

Deep and slow

Drawing forward

Rolling back

Sit with the moon

And visualize her enchanting light

As you find that place of quiet stillness

Within you

And sit in your body

Your most beloved and valued companion

For all the days of your life

Sit in stillness

And silence

And listen

Listen to the sounds of your body

The air entering and leaving the lungs

Feel its subtle movements

As you breathe

In warmth and deep comfort


Begin to notice any areas

Of vulnerability within your body

These may be physical discomfort

Or emotional unease

Your stomach

Your throat

Your head

Your heart

Move your awareness gently throughout

And find the places where balm is needed

Sit with those tender areas

Cloak yourself with compassion

It is time to heal

Set the intention to apply the medicine

To do the inner work

Good food







Affirmation of worth

Processing of trauma


Letting go


Whatever it is that you need

Set the intention to apply the balm



Find your scars

Physical or otherwise

These are your triumphs

Your successes

Treasure them

They are beautiful!

They show you your resilience

They make you more than you were

Before you were tested

They are unique creations

Of your own crafting

They are tough

Shining in the moonlight

Touch them one by one

Both physical and emotional

And know the wisdom that lies there


And as you gaze at the moon in all her glory

With all her scars

Know that like her

You are whole

And perfect

Exactly as you are

Exactly where you are

A one-time only

Never to be repeated

Child of the Universe

As you drift slowly back to full awareness, begin to foster a deep appreciation of Self

And know that you are exactly where you need to be right now


For more insights and a host of tools and techniques for exploring the Self and improving your human experience see our book:

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