"Really fantastic course with lots of micro-skills for resilience. Great opportunities for participation. Very relevant."
"Great facilitators - they have so much dynamism between them." ​
"Friendly and positive presenters, appreciated not too much jargon and tried to keep things in the real world we all live and work in."
“Brilliant day, very therapeutic, genuine encouragement and personal sharing, very structured and focussed”
“Very useful and insightful. Gave me the chance to reflect on how I process information and respond to situations”
“Helpful practical exercises and tactics to use during the surgery”
"I think every GP would benefit from doing the course every few years"
"This was a fantastic course. I really enjoyed it and found it valuable."
"The techniques were really helpful, I am going to share them with colleagues."
"Wellbeing and resilience are so crucial as many of my NHS colleagues are leaving posts, I believe this sort of session should be offered locally face to face - road trip style when allowed."
"I think this course should be mandatory for all doctors and medical students. I think it is essential that Doctors learn to self-care and prioritise this so that they are at less risk of burn out, stress, alcohol and drug problems and mental health problems."
"I will share what I have learnt as widely as possible and have already shared the resilient practice website with friends, family and patients."